Hala i poslovna zgrada 900 m2 na placu od 31 ar, ograđeno
Na fantastičnoj lokaciji, na samo 1 kilometar udaljenosti od petlje za glavne državne saobraćajnice – autoputa A1 i A2 (E-75 i Miloš Veliki), na 5,6 km udaljenosti od Trošarine i 10 km od Slavije, smeštena je ova nekretnina. U neposrednoj blizini je i stajalište gradskog prevoznika.
- Plac je površine 31 ar, pravilnog oblika, ograđen, nasute i nabijene podloge po kojoj se kreću šleperi i teška mehanizacija. Pristupna kapija je širine 8 m sa daljinskim otvaranjem, a ispred kapije ima mesta za parkiranje tri šlepera. Unutar kapije, na placu ima oko 80 automobilskih parking mesta.
- Hala:
- površine 450 m2; dimenzija 15 x 30 m
- visina plafona 5,40 m
- na podu i celom dužinom ispred objekta je ferobeton – profesionalna industrijska podna pokrivka koja se ne kruni i ne praši
- PVC stolarija
- dva industrijska ulaza, prvi šleperski, visine 4,5 m i širine 6,40 m i drugi viljuškarski visine 3,5 m i širine 3 metra, a postoji i treći, pešački ulaz
- nadzorna kancelarija na spratu
- kupatilo za radnike ispod kancelarije, koje ima i dodatni spoljašnji ulaz
- demit fasada
- krovni paneli 10 mm
- industrijska struja velikog stepena angažovanosti
- Poslovna zgrada:
- Površina 450 m2, PR+1; 200 m2 + 250 m2 na spratu; dužina objekta 32 m
- Demit fasada
- Aluminijumska stolarija
- Prvi nivo: dve prostorije, u donjoj se nalaze dve cisterne za dizel gorivo, zapremine 36000 i 16000 litara; plus prostrana kancelarija sa toaletom koja ima zaseban ulaz
- Segmentna vrata visine 4 metra
- Sprat: visina plafona 3,5 m, segmentna vrata i pešačka
- Nezapaljivi materijali
Ulazna kapija, prilaz i oba objekta su pokriveni sa nadzornim kamerama i alarmnim sistemom. Ceo kompleks je osmišljen i realizovan za što efikasnije obavljanje brojnih delatnosti. Osim multifunkcionalnosti, odlikuje ga i prelep pogled na Avalu i avalski toranj.
Brzo useljivo.
Agencijska provizija plaća se u skladu sa Opštim uslovima posrednika.
Menadžer zakupa Olivera Milivojević
This property is located in a fantastic location, just one kilometer from the interchange for the main state roads - highways A1 and A2 (E-75 and Miloš Veliki), 5.6 km from Trošarina and 10 km from Slavija. There is also a bus stop nearby.
- The plot is fenced, has an area of 3100 m filled and rammed surface on which tow trucks and heavy machinery can move. The access gate is 8 m wide with remote opening, and in front of the gate there is a place to park three tow trucks. Inside the gate, there are about 80 car parking spaces on the lot.
- Hall:
- area of 450 m2; dimensions 15 x 30 m
- ceiling height 5.40 m
- on the floor and the entire length in front of the building is ferro-concrete - a professional industrial floor covering that does not crack or dust
- PVC carpentry
- two industrial entrances, the first for a tow truck, 4.5 m high and 6.40 m wide, and the second for a forklift, 3.5 m high and 3 m wide, and there is also a third, pedestrian entrance
- supervisory office on the first floor
- bathroom for workers under the office, which also has an additional external entrance
- demit facade
- roof panels 10 mm
- industrial electricity with a high degree of engagement
- Office building:
- Area 450 m2, GF+1; 200 m2 + 250 m2 on the first floor; length of the building 32 m
- Demit facade
- Aluminum carpentry
- First level: two rooms, in the lower one there are two tanks for diesel fuel, volume 36000 and 16000 liters; plus a spacious office with a toilet that has a separate entrance
- Segmental doors 4 meters high
- Floor: ceiling height 3.5 m, sectional doors and walkway
- Non-combustible materials
The entrance gate, driveway and both facilities are covered with surveillance cameras and an alarm system. The entire complex was designed and implemented for the most efficient performance of numerous activities. Apart from its multifunctionality, it also has a beautiful view of Avala and the Avala tower.
Quick move-in.
The agency commission is paid in accordance with the General Conditions of Agency.
Lease manager Olivera Milivojević