Mikrolokacija: Bežanijska kosa, naselje nadomak autoputa E75, odlično povezano sa Novim Beogradom i aerodromom Nikola Tesla, a preko saobraćajnica koje ga vezuju sa Mostom na Adi – i sa Beogradom s druge strane reke Save. Bežanijska kosa 1 je srce naselja, koje pored svog urbanog karaktera, poseduje i elemente mirnog i idiličnog poslovno-stambenog okruženja.
Samostalna poslovna zgrada sa sopstvenim parkingom za 36 automobila, koncipirana da može da ispuni zahteve raznih vrsta delatnosti – od kancelarijske, preko edukativne i hotelijerske, do medicinske.
Zgrada je na 5 nivoa: Po+Pr+sprat+Ptk+krovni deo.
PO: Magacinski prostor površine preko 200 m2, 4 toaleta, garderoba, hodnik, ukupne neto površine 295 m2
PR: Radni prostor u formi open space +150 m2, 6 kancelarija, kuhinja, kafić, hodnik, dva toaleta; sve neto površine 428 m2
I sprat: otvoreni radni prostor površine preko 300 m2, 4 kancelarije, 2 toaleta; ukupne neto površine 426 m2
PTK: antre, 10 kancelarija, kuhinja, toalet; ukupno 320 m2, i
KROV: Terasa neto površine 134 m2, od toga pod nadstrešnicom 26 m2.
Brzo useljivo.
Agencijska provizija 50% od mesečne zakupnine.
Menadžer zakupa Olivera Milivojević 065 2446 449
Microlocation: Bežanijska kosa, a settlement close to the E75 highway, excellently connected to New Belgrade and the Nikola Tesla airport, and via roads that connect it to the Ada Bridge - also to Belgrade on the other side of the Sava River. Bežanijska kosa 1 is the heart of the settlement, which, in addition to its urban character, also has elements of a peaceful and idyllic business and residential environment.
An independent office building with its own parking lot for 36 cars, designed to meet the requirements of various types of activities - from office and educational to medical and hotel.
The building is on 5 levels: Ba+Gf+1 st floor+Att+roof part.
Basement: Warehouse area over 200 m2, 4 toilets, wardrobe, hallway, total surface 295 m2
Ground floor: Work space in the form of open space +150 m2, 6 offices, kitchen, cafe, hallway, two toilets; total surface 428 m2
1st floor: open work area of over 300 m2, 4 offices, 2 toilets; total surface 426 m2
Attic: entrance hall, 10 offices, kitchen, toilet; total 320 m2, and
Roof: Terrace surface of 134 m2, of which 26 m2 is under the canopy.
Available quickly.
Agency commission 50% of the monthly rent.
Lease manager Olivera Milivojević 065 2446 449